Elena Vincenzi et al. A semi-automatic pipeline integrating histological and µCT data in a mouse model of lung fibrosis Journal of Translational Medicine. Publication Date November 18, 2024 How Analyze was Used “Manual re-orientation was performed using Analyze software (Analyze 14.0, Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN). As for the previously described automatic procedure,…
Himeko Sato et al. High oxygen exposure’s impact on newborn mice: Temporal changes observed via micro-computed tomography Experimental Lung Research. Publication Date July 8, 2024 How Analyze was Used “Grayscale indices were determined for water and air by analyzing histograms of a volume-of-interest containing only these substances; the setting for water and air was 0…
Mohamed El-Agamy Farh et al. Transcriptional Changes in Radiation-Induced Lung Injury: A Comparative Analysis of Two Radiation Doses for Preclinical Research International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Publication Date March 28, 2024 How Analyze was Used “Volumetric analysis of CT images was also performed with Mayo Clinic Analyze 12.0 software (Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,…
Seraphin H. Unterberger et al. Morphological and Tissue Characterization with 3D Reconstruction of a 350-Year-Old Austrian Ardea purpurea Glacier Mummy Biology. Publication Date January 11, 2023 How Analyze was Used “Micro-CT measurements were performed on a vivaCt40 and an XtremeCT II (ScancoMedical AG, Brüttisellen, Switzerland). Due to the geometrical dimensions, the corpus of the mummy…
Elena Vincenzi et al. A fully automated deep learning pipeline for micro-CT-imaging-based densitometry of lung fibrosis murine models Respiratory Research. Publication Date November 11, 2022 How Analyze was Used “Each µCT volume was segmented semi-automatically by trained operators by means of Analyze software (Analyze 12.0), according to Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. well-established and tested protocol. Since…
He Xu et al. Dental and craniofacial defects in the Crtap−/− mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta type VII. Developmental Dynamics. Publication Date March 5, 2020 How Analyze was Used “Mandibles were scanned in a µCT 50 (Scanco Medical, Bassersdorf, Switzerland) at 70 kVp, 76 µA, 0.5 Al filter, 900 ms integration time, and 6 µm…
Sebastian Hoechel et al. The adaption of the bony microstructure of the human glenoid cavity as a result of long-term biomechanical loading. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. Publication Date February 1, 2019 How Analyze was Used “The recorded CT datasets were evaluated using the image analysing software Analyze 11.0. The acquired reconstructions of the GC were…
Jung-Yoo Choi et al. Comparison of micro-CT and histomorphometry in the measurement of bone-implant contact ratios. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. Publication Date January 4, 2019 How Analyze was Used “After scanning, image segmentation was performed using the Analyze 12.0 software (AnalyzeDirect, Overland Park, KS, USA). To reduce image noise and…
Hiroshi Matsui1, Gavin R. Hunt2, Katja Oberhofer3, Naomichi Ogihara4, Kevin J. McGowan5, Kumar Mithraratne3, Takeshi Yamasaki6, Russell D. Gray2,7 & Ei-Ichi Izawa1. Adaptive bill morphology for enhanced tool manipulation in New Caledonian crows. Scientific Reports. March 9th, 2016. Publication Date March 2016 How Analyze was Used “We used a 3D landmark analysis to compare the…
Nanditha Mohan Das1, Sarah Hatsell1, Kalyan Nannuru1, Lily Huang1, Xialing Wen1, Lili Wang1, Li-Hsien Wang1, Vincent Idone1, Jeffrey A. Meganck2, Andrew Murphy1, Aris Economides1, and LiQin Xie1. In Vivo Quantitative Microcomputed Tomographic Analysis of Vasculature and Organs in a Normal and Diseased Mouse Model. PLoS One. February 24th, 2016. Full Text – Open Access …