Analyze Publications Database

CT-Visible Microspheres Enable Whole-body In Vivo Tracking of Injectable Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

Annalisa Bettini et al. CT-Visible Microspheres Enable Whole-body In Vivo Tracking of Injectable Tissue Engineering Scaffolds Advanced Healthcare Materials

Publication Date
April 28, 2024

How Analyze was Used
“Image segmentation was performed using the Analyze 12.0 software (AnalyzeDirect) using a combination of the ‘Semi-automatic’ and ‘Manual Technique’ settings. A 3D rendering of the implanted microspheres and bone was generated, from which volumes and signal intensities were calculated.”

Injectable scaffolds, Microspheres, Trackable, Computed tomography, Multimodal imaging

Author Affiliation(s)
University College London, London, UK

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