Gain complete access to all of the features and functionality that Analyze 15.0 has to offer. Work with your own image data sets, or one of the many sample data sets provided.
Analyze 15.0 Help Videos coming shortly!
Please select the videos below to view the equivalent functionality for Analyze 14.0
Analyze Help videos are tutorials that can help you become familiar with the Analyze interface and its basic and advanced operations. You can watch the Analyze Help Videos on the AnalyzeDirect YouTube Channel, or at the links listed in the sections below.
The development of these Help Videos is an ongoing process, and we are always adding more to this page. If you have any suggestions for an Analyze Help Movie that you’d like to see, please contact us at
- Analyze 15.0 Overview for users of Analyze 12.0 and below
- Segment: Threshold Volume
- Segment: Region Grow, 3D Objects
- Segment: Region Grow, 2D Objects
- Segment: Connected Components
- Segment: Object Extractor, Single Object
- Segment: Object Extractor, Multiple CT Objects
- Segment: Object Extractor, Multiple MR Objects
- Segment: Object Separator
- Segment: Oblique Cutting
- Segment: Fill Holes, for Filling Small and Larger Holes
- Segment: Fill Holes, for Segmenting Objects
- Segment: Morph Objects
- Segment: Filter Objects
- Segment: Propagate Objects
- Segment: Freehand Draw, 2D Region Definition
- Segment: Freehand Draw, Single 2D Shapes
- Segment: Manual Trace
- Segment: Auto Trace
- Segment: Spline Trace
- Segment: Smart Trace
- Segment: Reassign Object
- Segment: Nudge Edit
- Segment: Divide Regions, Grid Sections
- Segment: Divide Regions, Radial Sections
- Segment: Divide Regions, Between Borders
- Segment: Adjust Regions
- Segment: Fabricate Shapes
- Segment: Edge Strength to limit Region of Segmentation
- Segment: Walls to limit Region of Segmentation
- Segment: Subregion to limit Region of Segmentation
- Analyze Overview
- Measure: 1D Sample Points
- Measure: 1D Sample Lines to Make Line Measurements
- Measure: 1D Sample Lines to Make FWHM Measurements
- Measure: 1D Sample Lines to Generate Line Profiles
- Measure: 1D Sample Lines on a 3D Rendering
- Measure: 1D Sample Traces
- Measure: 1D Sample Borders
- Measure: 1D Sample Angles
- Measure: 1D Sample Two Lines
- Measure: 1D Sample Perpendicular Lines
- Measure: 2D Sample Rectangles
- Measure: 2D Sample Ovals
- Measure: 2D Sample Closed Trace
- Measure: 2D Selected Region
- Measure: 2D Selected Object
- Measure: 2D Enabled Objects
- Measure: 2D Entire Image
- Measure: 3D Selected Object
- Measure: 3D Selected Object to Generate Histograms
- Measure: 3D Enabled Objects