Tag Archives: Stress

Associations between Early Life Stress and Anterior Pituitary Gland Volume development during late childhood

Paige Farrow et al. Associations between Early Life Stress and Anterior Pituitary Gland Volume development during late childhood Psychoneuroendocrinology. Publication Date October 2, 2020 How Analyze was Used “Pituitary gland tracing was completed using the software Analyze 11.0. It has been established that the pituitary gland is best visualized in the coronal plane, and as…

Early life stress alters pituitary growth during adolescence – a longitudinal study

Ganella DE, Allen NB, Simmons JG, Schwartz O, Kim JH, Sheeber L, Whittle S. Early life stress alters pituitary growth during adolescence – a longitudinal study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. January 2015. Publication Date January 2015 How Analyze was Used “Each pituitary was traced by the same investigator (DG) who was blinded to participant characteristics. Images were traced…

Early life stress and macaque amygdala hypertrophy: preliminary evidence for a role for the serotonin transporter gene

Coplan JD, Fathy HM, Jackowski AP, Tang CY, Perera TD, Mathew SJ, Martinez J, Abdallah CG, Dwork AJ, Pantol G, Carpenter D, Gorman JM, Nemeroff CB, Owens MJ, Kaffman A, Kaufman J. Early life stress and macaque amygdala hypertrophy: preliminary evidence for a role for the serotonin transporter gene. Front Behav Neurosci. October 2014;8:342. Full…