Analyze Publications Database

Associations between Early Life Stress and Anterior Pituitary Gland Volume development during late childhood

Paige Farrow et al. Associations between Early Life Stress and Anterior Pituitary Gland Volume development during late childhood Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Publication Date
October 2, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Pituitary gland tracing was completed using the software Analyze 11.0. It has been established that the pituitary gland is best visualized in the coronal plane, and as such, whole pituitary gland tracing was performed coronally. The infundibular stalk was excluded from tracing, with the borders of the pituitary being defined by the diaphragm sellae superiorly, the sphenoid sinus inferiorly, and the cavernous sinuses bilaterally. Whole pituitary gland traces were subsequently split into anterior and posterior lobes. The difference between the darker anterior lobe and hyperintense posterior lobe was typically easily identifiable. This division was first identified in the coronal plane, but for cases where the divide was not parallel with a coronal slice, further editing was performed sagittally where the boundary could be clarified. PGV estimates were calculated by summing all voxels within the traced region on each consecutive 2D coronal and/or sagittal slice.”

Early life adversity, Stress, Pituitary gland development, Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, Parenting, Internalizing symptoms

Author Affiliation(s)
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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