Tag Archives: Neurological disorders

Clinical and neuroimaging factors associated with aphasia severity in stroke patients: diffusion tensor imaging study

Sekwang Lee et al. Clinical and neuroimaging factors associated with aphasia severity in stroke patients: diffusion tensor imaging study. Scientific Reports. Publication Date July 30, 2020 How Analyze was Used “Using brain imaging results, the stroke lesion volumes were determined and the brain lesion locations (cortical/subcortical) were assessed. The brain lesion volumes were measured using…

Longitudinal in vivo MRI in a Huntington’s disease mouse model: Global atrophy in the absence of white matter microstructural damage

Jessica J. Steventon1,2,3,4, Rebecca C. Trueman2,5, Da Ma6,7, Emma Yhnell2,3, Zubeyde Bayram-Weston2,3, Marc Modat6, Jorge Cardoso6, Sebastian Ourselin6, Mark Lythgoe7, Andrew Stewart4, Anne E. Rosser2,3,8 & Derek K. Jones1,3. Longitudinal in vivo MRI in a Huntington’s disease mouse model: Global atrophy in the absence of white matter microstructural damage. Scientific Reports. September 1 2016. Full…