Analyze Publications Database

Clinical and neuroimaging factors associated with aphasia severity in stroke patients: diffusion tensor imaging study

Sekwang Lee et al. Clinical and neuroimaging factors associated with aphasia severity in stroke patients: diffusion tensor imaging study. Scientific Reports.

Publication Date
July 30, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Using brain imaging results, the stroke lesion volumes were determined and the brain lesion locations (cortical/subcortical) were assessed. The brain lesion volumes were measured using CT or T1-weighted MRI performed at the time of the stroke diagnosis. The examiner marked the brain lesion areas on cross-sections of the acquired images using Analyze 9.0, a semi-automated analysis software program. The program automatically analyses the brain lesion volumes using the segmentation method. Cortical involvement, defined as the presence of signal changes in the cerebral cortex on CT or MRI (including the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes), was judged by radiologists. The prognoses for aphasia following subcortical stroke are better than those for strokes with cortical involvement25; therefore, the presence or absence of cortical involvement (dichotomous) was used as a variable in the statistical analyses.”

Neurological disorders, Stroke, Aphasia

Author Affiliation(s)
Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

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