Search Results for: fat

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3D anatomy and deformation of the seated buttocks

Sonenblum SE, Sprigle SH, Cathcart JM, Winder RJ. 3D anatomy and deformation of the seated buttocks. J Tissue Viability. April 2015. Publication Date April 2015 How Analyze was Used “Raw DICOM scans were imported into AnalyzeAVW v11.0 for review and segmentation of the pelvis, gluteus maximus (GM), and subcutaneous fat. Semi-automated segmentation was performed under…

Regional differences of [18F]-FDG uptake within the brain during fatiguing muscle contractions

Kindred JH, Kalliokoski KK, Bojsen-Møller J, Rudroff T. Regional differences of [18F]-FDG uptake within the brain during fatiguing muscle contractions. Brain and Behavior. February 2015. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date February 2015 How Analyze was Used “Utilizing Analyze 11.0 … signal intensities for upper body PET images were converted to standardized uptake values…

Can Triglyceride Content Predict Metabolic Effects of Weight Gain?

Along with obesity comes a wide spectrum of other health problems, such as metabolic complications, that come under the heading of metabolic syndrome. This syndrome consists of a group of conditions – anomalous cholesterol levels, increased blood sugar values, extra body fat around the waist, hypertension, and above all, insulin resistance – that may cause…

Distinguishing between Cell Populations in Glioblastoma Multiforme

Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common type of brain tumor and the most malignant and fatal. Some of the features that make this disease extremely difficult to treat are its aggressive invasiveness, high proliferation rate and resistance to standard treatments. In fact, this particular tumor consists of many different types of cells and while some…

The Impact of Coronary Artery Stenosis on Renal Injury

Coronary artery disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become hardened and narrowed (stenosis) due to the accumulation of cholesterol and other fatty substances on their inner walls. The restriction in blood supply causes a shortage of oxygen and glucose to the heart that may not only impact the myocardial tissue,…

Metabolically normal obese people are protected from adverse effects following weight gain

Fabbrini E, Yoshino J, Yoshino M, Magkos F, Tiemann Luecking C, Samovski D, Fraterrigo G, Okunade AL, Patterson BW, Klein S. Metabolically normal obese people are protected from adverse effects following weight gain. J Clin Invest. January 2015. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date January 2015 How Analyze was Used “Body FM [fat mass]…

Adipose tissue remodeling in a novel domestic porcine model of diet-induced obesity

Pawar AS, Zhu X-Y, Eirin A, Tang H, Jordan KL, Woollard JR, Lerman A, Lerman LO. Adipose tissue remodeling in a novel domestic porcine model of diet-induced obesity. Obesity. December 2014. Publication Date December 2014 How Analyze was Used “All Images were analyzed with the Analyze™ software package…For LV function, the LV endocardial surfaces were…

Relationship between unit cell type and porosity and the fatigue behavior of selective laser melted meta-biomaterials

Yavari SA, Ahmadi S, Pouran B, Schrooten J, Weinans H, Zadpoor A. Relationship between unit cell type and porosity and the fatigue behavior of selective laser melted meta-biomaterials. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. December 2014. Publication Date December 2014 How Analyze was Used “The reconstructed images were then transferred to Caliper Analyze 11.0 … to…

Disease-Modifying Drugs in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks the tissue surrounding the nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. This covering, which coats, insulates, and protects nerves, is made of a fatty substance called myelin. When this material is destroyed, communication between the brain and…

How Weight Gain Triggers Skeletal Muscle Remodeling

It is known that adipose tissue has a unique role in whole-body energy homeostasis and metabolic health due to its ability to expand and contract through adipocyte hypertrophy and atrophy. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that skeletal muscle may be affected by weight gain as well, since it is the main site…