Analyze Publications Database

Half-Life Extension Enhances Drug Efficacy in Adeno-Associated Virus Delivered Gene Therapy

Huifang Wu et al. Half-Life Extension Enhances Drug Efficacy in Adeno-Associated Virus Delivered Gene Therapy Engineering.

Publication Date
March 22, 2022

How Analyze was Used
“Image segmentation was conducted using a volume-editing tool and volumes were quantified using the region of interest module within the software package (AnalyzeDirect, USA). Adipose content and distribution were calculated using Analyze 12.0 software…The trabeculae were analyzed in 1 mm3 of the proximal tibial epiphysis. Bone parameters were calculated using the MicroView 3D Image Viewer and Analysis Tool (AnalyzeDirect).”

Gene therapy, Adeno-associated virus, Half-life, Fibroblast growth factor 21, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Author Affiliation(s)
Fudan University, Shanghai, China

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