Analyze Publications Database

Using static postures to estimate spinal loading during dynamic lifts with participant-specific thoracolumbar musculoskeletal models

Jacob J.Banks et al. Using static postures to estimate spinal loading during dynamic lifts with participant-specific thoracolumbar musculoskeletal models Applied Ergonomics.

Publication Date
August 30, 2022

How Analyze was Used
“Similarly, muscle group cross-sectional areas and positions relative to the spine center were contoured from transverse plane mid-vertebral slices using an image analysis software (Analyze). Per IRB protocol, all images were also viewed by a certified radiologist for incidental findings.”

Static analysis, Predictive equations, Musculoskeletal model, Thoracolumbar

Author Affiliation(s)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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