Analyze Publications Database

Tracking liver motion using 3-D ultrasound and a surface based statistical shape model

King A, Blackall J, Penney G, Hawkes D. Tracking liver motion using 3-D ultrasound and a surface based statistical shape model. Paper presented at: IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, 2001; December 2001. Kauai, HI, US.

Publication Date
December 2001

How Analyze was Used
“The segmentations were performed using the ANALYZE software package, and triangulated surface meshes extracted using the marching cubes algorithm [Lorenson and Cline 1987] implemented in VTK [Schroeder et al 1997].”

Bayes Theorem
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted
Models, Statistical

Author Affiliation(s)
Division of Radiological Sciences and Medical Engineering, The Guy’s King’s and St. Thomas’ Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK.

ID# 2713

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