Blogs: Corpus Callosum

Corpus Callosum Development in Autism is Different for Girls

Autism is a global problem with skyrocketing incidence rates. The CDC reports that 1 in 68 children born today will be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The incidence for boys is 1 in 42, so the majority of research studies has focused on males. This has led to a poorly understood and little-studied population of…

The Influence of Genetics on Corpus Callosum Microstructure

The corpus callosum connects the left and right sides of the brain, allowing for communication between the two cerebral hemispheres. Abnormalities in the microstructure of this band of nerve fibers compromise the efficiency of motor, sensory and cognitive information transfer within the brain. Several studies have highlighted that genetic factors may play an important role in…

Early-Life Stress and Amygdala Hypertrophy

Different forms of early-life stress may shape the development of brain areas involved with emotion processing and may increase vulnerability to adult mental or behavioral disorders. Examples of types of traumatic events include natural disasters, experiences in institutional care, assaults, witnessing violence and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Considering that exposure to stress in humans…

Fetal Corpus Callosum Measurement as an Imaging Biomarker for Abnormal Neurodevelopment

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to abnormal fetal growth, and often results from poor maternal nutrition or lack of adequate oxygen to the fetus. IUGR is found in up to 10% of all pregnancies, in 20% of stillborn births and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Volume and neural network changes in cerebral white and…