Tag Archives: Spinal Cord Injuries

What do we sit on? Anatomy of the seated buttocks

Sonenblum SE, Sprigle SH, Cathcart JM, Winder RJ. What do we sit on? Anatomy of the seated buttocks. Paper presented at: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of America 2015; June 10-14 2015, Denver, CO, US. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date June 2015 How Analyze was Used “Multi-planar scans were analyzed using Analyze…

Cerebrospinal fluid pressures resulting from experimental traumatic spinal cord injuries in a pig model

Jones CF, Lee JH, Burstyn U, Okon EB, Kwon BK, Cripton PA. Cerebrospinal fluid pressures resulting from experimental traumatic spinal cord injuries in a pig model. J Biomech Eng. October 2013;135(10):101005. Publication Date October 2013 How Analyze was Used “Images for each section were merged in Adobe Photoshop …, the lesion area and total spinal…