Tag Archives: Dopamine Antagonists/pharmacokinetics

Tyrosine-free amino acid mixture attenuates amphetamine-induced displacement of [11C]raclopride in striatum in vivo: a rat PET study

Le Masurier M, Houston G, Cowen P, Grasby P, Sharp T, Hume S. Tyrosine-free amino acid mixture attenuates amphetamine-induced displacement of [11C]raclopride in striatum in vivo: a rat PET study. Synapse. February 2004;51(2):151-157. Publication Date February 2004 How Analyze was Used “Scan sinograms were reconstructed into 0.5 mm cubic voxels (with a Hamming filter, 0.6…

SPECT imaging with the D4 receptor antagonist L-750,667 in nonhuman primate brain

Staley JK, Tamagnan G, Baldwin RM, Fujita M, Al Tikriti MS, Eshima L, Thornback J, Roe D, Lu L, Seibyl JP, Innis RB. SPECT imaging with the D4 receptor antagonist L-750,667 in nonhuman primate brain. Nucl Med Biol. August 2000;27(6):547-556. Publication Date August 2000 How Analyze was Used “The skull was stripped from the MRI…