Analyze Publications Database

Strategies for Training Deep Learning Models in Medical Domains with Small Reference Datasets

Gerald A. Zwettler et al. Strategies for Training Deep Learning Models in Medical Domains with Small Reference Datasets. Journal of WSCG.

Publication Date
July 24, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“From the MRI datasets, 10 are without and 10 with Hepatocellular Liver Lesions (HCC). In case of a lesion, this class is merged with the parenchyma region leading to a binary classification problem. The MRI datasets are segmented using spline tracing (live-wire) and auto-tracing (region growing) available from Analyze software.”

Medical Image Segmentation, Deep Learning, Generative Adversial Networks, Graph cut

Author Affiliation(s)
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg, Austria

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