Analyze Publications Database

Specific Commensal Bacterium Critically Regulates Gut Microbiota Osteoimmunomodulatory Actions During Normal Post‐Pubertal Skeletal Growth and Maturation

Jessica D. Hathaway‐Schrader et al. Specific Commensal Bacterium Critically Regulates Gut Microbiota Osteoimmunomodulatory Actions During Normal Post‐Pubertal Skeletal Growth and Maturation. JBMR Plus.

Publication Date
January 10, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Calibrated three-dimensional images were reconstructed. Trabecular and cortical bone morphology was processed and analyzed using Analyze 12.0 Bone Microarchitecture Analysis software (Analyze Direct, Seattle, WA). Trabecular bone was evaluated by axial CT slices beginning 300μm distal to the proximal growth plate and extending 1000μm distally. A fixed threshold of 1750 Hounsfield units was utilized to discern mineralized tissue. Cortical bone was assessed by transverse CT slices in a 1000μm section of the mid-diaphysis.”

Gut Microbiota, Osteoimmunology, Bone Modeling/Remodeling, Osteoclasts

Author Affiliation(s)
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

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