Analyze Publications Database

Seated buttocks anatomy and its impact on biomechanical risk

Sharon E.Sonenblum et al. Seated buttocks anatomy and its impact on biomechanical risk. Journal of Tissue Viability.

Publication Date
January 23, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Multiplanar analysis and segmentation of the pelvis, gluteus maximus and adipose tissue was conducted using AnalyzePro 1.0…Bulk tissue includes any tissue present such as skin, connective tissue, adipose tissue, and muscle [11]. Within this region, bulk tissue thickness was also split into the % Adipose Thickness, defined as the percentage of combined adipose tissue and skin thickness and % Other Tissue Thickness. Other tissue thickness was composed of all tissue beneath the ischium that was neither adipose tissue nor skin (for example, this might include the tendon insertion of the hamstrings, ligament insertion of the sacrotuberous ligament, or muscle when present).”

Wheelchair users, Pressure ulcers, Buttocks, Pelvis, Gluteus maximus, Adipose tissue

Author Affiliation(s)
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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