Analyze Publications Database

Multimodality image coregistration for MRI-negative epilepsy surgery

Brinkmann BH, Sulc V. Multimodality image coregistration for MRI-negative epilepsy surgery. In: So E, Ryvlin P, eds. MRI-negative epilepsy: evaluation and surgical management: evaluation and surgical management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2015.

Publication Date
May 2015

How Analyze was Used
“Registration of the CT … into the space of the patient’s high-resolution MRI … was accomplished using a normalized mutual information algorithm implemented in Analyze.”

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)/methods
Treatment Outcome

Author Affiliation(s)
Mayo Systems Electrophysiology Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, US. (BHB, VS)

International Clinical Research Center, St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic. (VS)

ID# 1815

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