Analyze Publications Database

Modification of Biocorrosion and Cellular Response of Magnesium Alloy WE43 by Multiaxial Deformation

Natalia Anisimova et al. Modification of Biocorrosion and Cellular Response of Magnesium Alloy WE43 by Multiaxial Deformation Metals.

Publication Date
January 5, 2022

How Analyze was Used
“Alloy samples were analyzed daily using a Quantum GX2 microcomputer tomograph (Ridaku Vicro CT Technology, Perkin Elmer, Yokohama, Japan) at 90 kV, 88 µA, FOV 36 mm, slice thickness 36 µm. The data were analyzed using Analyze 14.0 software (AnalyzeDirect Inc., Stilwell, KS, USA). The results of alloy volume CT scan measurement after incubation in the FBS were presented as a percentage of the initial value. Hounsfield unit (HU) values of the alloys were also measured. As it is known, the Hounsfield scale is a quantitative scale for describing radiodensity.”

Magnesium alloy, Multiaxial deformation, Biodegradation, Cell viability, Cell colonization

Author Affiliation(s)
National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

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