Analyze Publications Database

Model-updated image-guided neurosurgery using the finite element method: incorporation of the falx cerebri

Miga MI, Paulsen KD, Kennedy FE, Hartov A, Roberts DW. Model-updated image-guided neurosurgery using the finite element method: incorporation of the falx cerebri. In: Taylor C, Colchester ACF, eds. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention–MICCAI ’99 : second international conference, Cambridge, UK, September 19-22, 1999 proceedings. New York: Springer; 1999:900-909.

Publication Date
September 1999

How Analyze was Used
“Using AnalyzeAVW – Version 2.5, the brain and falx cerebri (approximate 2 mm width located between hemispheres) are segmented from the images and a discrete marching cubes algorithm is applied to create a surface boundary description of the extracted volumes.”

Computer Simulation
Diagnostic Imaging
Finite Element Analysis
Neurosurgical Procedures
Spinal Cord
Surgery, Computer-Assisted

Author Affiliation(s)
Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering, HB8000, Hanover, NH, 03755, US. (MIM, KDP, FEK, AH)

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, 03756, US. (KDP, DWR)

Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH, 03756, US. (KDP, DWR)

ID# 2928

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