Analyze Publications Database

Integrity of arcuate fasciculus is a good predictor of language impairment after subcortical stroke

Jun Soo Noh et al. Integrity of arcuate fasciculus is a good predictor of language impairment after subcortical stroke Journal of Neurolinguistics.

Publication Date
November 28, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“The size of the brain lesions was measured using T1-weighted magnetic resonance images and the semi-automatic analysis software Analyze 9.0. The examiner identified all axial images of the T1-weighted image, which semi-automatically displayed the area of the brain lesion using the software. The examiner verified the lesion volume (LV; mm³) automatically using a divisional quadrature method.”

Stroke, Aphasia, Neuroimaging, Diffusion tensor imaging, Arcuate fasciculus

Author Affiliation(s)
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

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