Mueed Azhar et al. Association of insulin resistance with the accumulation of saturated intramyocellular lipid: A comparison with other fat stores NMR in Biomedicine.
Publication Date
February 14, 2024
How Analyze was Used
“Magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure abdominal subcutaneous (SCATabd) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue areas on a watersuppressed T1-weighted transaxial image located at the L4 vertebral level. Leg subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCATleg) and intermuscular fat (IMF) were assessed from a single T1-weighted transaxial slice at the same axial position as the IMCL measurements. Areas of SCAT, VAT and IMF were calculated by a semiautomated method, using a threshold map in conjunction with manual input to distinguish between compartments using the software Analyze (AnalyzeDirect, Overland Park, KS, USA).”
Adipose tissue, Ectopic, Insulin resistance, Intramyocellular lipid, Saturation
Author Affiliation(s)
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK