Analyze Publications Database

Age and side-related morphometric MRI evaluation of trunk muscles in people without back pain

Valentin S, Licka T, Elliott J. Age and side-related morphometric MRI evaluation of trunk muscles in people without back pain. Man Ther. July 2014.

Publication Date
July 2014

How Analyze was Used
“Analyze software…was used for data analysis.”

Fatty Infiltration
Lumbar Spine
Magnetic Resource Imaging (MRI)
Muscle Volume

Author Affiliation(s)
Movement Science Group Vienna, Equine Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria. (SV, TL)

Large Animal Hospital, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Roslin, Scotland, UK. (TL)

Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, US. (JE)

Honorary Senior Fellow, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia. (JE)

ID# 32

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