Analyze Publications Database

Ventricular volume in relation to cognitive outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Irene M. C. Huenges Wajer et al. Ventricular volume in relation to cognitive outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. University of Utrecht, Ph.D. Thesis

Publication Date
July 2, 2019

How Analyze was Used
“We measured the ventricular volumes on the CT scans that were performed between admission and the visit at the outpatient clinic 3 months post aSAH. Volumes were measured with the program Analyze software. In this program the ventricles and other cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) compartments were extracted from the brain by given thresholds (in Hounsfield units). Then, we separated the ventricles from other CSF compartments with semi‐automatic and manual techniques, to calculate ventricular volume in milliliters (ml). For the analyses we used the largest ventricular volume after aSAH measured on CT’s during the initial two weeks after the aSAH.”

Cognitive complaints, Cognitive functioning, Aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage, aSAH, Acute hydrocephalus, Memory function, Cerebral ventricles volume, Cognitive outcome

Author Affiliation(s)
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

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