Analyze Publications Database

The impact of human immune deficiency virus and hepatitis C coinfection on white matter microstructural integrity

J. M. Heaps-Woodruffa, P. W. Wrightb, B. M. Ancesb,c, D. Cliffordb, R. H. Paula. The impact of human immune deficiency virus and hepatitis C coinfection on white matter microstructural integrity. Journal of NeuroVirology. December 21, 2015.

Publication Date
December 2015

How Analyze was Used
“Analyze 11.0 (Analyze Direct; Overland Park, KS) was used to outline the CC semi-automatically on five mid-sagittal slices from the FA map of each participant. A threshold of FA>0.3 was used to minimize the potential for partial volume effects”

White matter

Author Affiliation(s)
a Missouri Institute of Mental Health, University of Missouri-St. Louis
b Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine
c Department of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine

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