Analyze Publications Database

The 3D printing of patient-specific kidney models to facilitate pre-surgical planning of renal cell carcinoma using CT datasets

Catalina Lupulescu et al. The 3D printing of patient-specific kidney models to facilitate pre-surgical planning of renal cell carcinoma using CT datasets Australasian Medical Journal.

Publication Date
October 1, 2021

How Analyze was Used
“The two datasets were post-processed using the commercially available biomedical software Analyze 12.0 (AnalyzeDirect, Inc., Lexana, KS, USA) following a series of steps to segment the volume data for extraction of the regions of interest. Firstly, each CT dataset was 3D volume-rendered, and a range of 10-100 Hounsfield Units (HU) was applied to include soft tissue and blood vessels and exclude bones. Secondly, an automatic object separator tool was utilised to colour-code objects based on differences in density. This enabled the separation of objects with similar densities located near each other, such as the kidneys and liver. Data was edited until only the kidney(s), lesion, renal vessels, and distal third of the aorta remained.”

3D printing, Computed tomography, Education, Model, Renal cell carcinoma, Surgery

Author Affiliation(s)
Curtin University, Perth, Australia

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