Tag Archives: Trabecular Architecture

The adaption of the bony microstructure of the human glenoid cavity as a result of long-term biomechanical loading

Sebastian Hoechel et al. The adaption of the bony microstructure of the human glenoid cavity as a result of long-term biomechanical loading. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. Publication Date February 1, 2019 How Analyze was Used “The recorded CT datasets were evaluated using the image analysing software Analyze 11.0. The acquired reconstructions of the GC were…

InsiGHT into the 3D-trabecular architecture of the human patella

Hoechel S, Schulz G, Müller-Gerbl M. InsiGHT into the 3D-trabecular architecture of the human patella. Ann Anat. March 2015. Publication Date March 2015 How Analyze was Used “The CT-datasets were evaluated using the image analysing software ANALYZE ® 11.0.” Keywords Human Patella Long-Term Load Intake Micro-Computed Tomography Subchondral Bone Plate Trabecular Architecture Author Affiliation(s) Department…