Tag Archives: Texas

Visceral abdominal obesity measured by CT scan is associated with an increased risk of Barrett’s oesophagus: a case-control study

El-Serag HB, Hashmi A, Garcia J, Richardson P, Alsarraj A, Fitzgerald S, Vela M, Shaib Y, Abraham NS, Velez M, Cole R, Rodriguez MB, Anand B, Graham DY, Kramer JR. Visceral abdominal obesity measured by CT scan is associated with an increased risk of Barrett’s oesophagus: a case-control study. Gut. February 2014;63(2):220-229. Full Text –…

Significant differences in global genomic DNA methylation by gender and race/ethnicity in peripheral blood

Zhang FF, Cardarelli R, Carroll J, Fulda KG, Kaur M, Gonzalez K, Vishwanatha JK, Santella RM, Morabia A. Significant differences in global genomic DNA methylation by gender and race/ethnicity in peripheral blood. Epigenetics. May 2011;6(5):623-629. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date May 2011 How Analyze was Used “The cross-sectional areas of total adipose tissue…