Tag Archives: Stroke/complications

Generalization of the effects of phonological training for anomia using structural equation modelling: a multiple single-case study

Vitali P, Tettamanti M, Abutalebi J, Ansaldo AI, Perani D, Cappa SF, Joanette Y. Generalization of the effects of phonological training for anomia using structural equation modelling: a multiple single-case study. Neurocase. April 2010;16(2):93-105. Publication Date April 2010 How Analyze was Used “Standard T1-weighted MRI brain scans were also acquired for each participant in 120…

Structural anatomy of pure and hemianopic alexia

Leff AP, Spitsyna G, Plant GT, Wise RJS. Structural anatomy of pure and hemianopic alexia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. September 2006;77(9):1004-1007. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date September 2006 How Analyze was Used “T1‐weighted MRIs of the brain were acquired for each patient in 180 axial planes with 1‐mm3 isotropic voxels. The images were…