Tag Archives: Statistical Data Interpretation

Methodology for statistical parametric mapping of [18F]fluorodopa uptake rate using three-dimensional PET

Rakshi JS, Bailey DL, Ito K, Uema T, Morrish PK, Ashburner J, Friston KJ, Brooks DJ. Methodology for statistical parametric mapping of [18F]fluorodopa uptake rate using three-dimensional PET. In: Carson RE, Daube-Witherspoon ME, Herscovitch P, eds. Quantitative functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 1998:117-137. Publication Date September 1998 How…

Co-registration of cortical magnetic stimulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging

Bastings EP, Gage HD, Greenberg JP, Hammond G, Hernandez L, Santago P, Hamilton CA, Moody DM, Singh KD, Ricci PE, Pons TP, Good DC. Co-registration of cortical magnetic stimulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroreport. June 1998;9(9):1941-1946. Publication Date June 1998 How Analyze was Used “To determine the locus of TMS activation on the brain…

The effect of movement frequency on cerebral activation: a positron emission tomography study

Jenkins IH, Passingham RE, Brooks DJ. The effect of movement frequency on cerebral activation: a positron emission tomography study. J Neurol Sci. October 1997;151(2):195-205. Publication Date October 1997 How Analyze was Used “All calculations and image manipulations were performed on Sparc computers … using Promatlab …, and Analyze 5.0 software (Robb and Hanson, 1991) for…

Data analysis for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI-based cerebral perfusion measurements: correcting for changing cortical CSF volumes

Emerson JF, Chen PC, Shankle WR, Haier RJ, Nalcioglu O. Data analysis for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI-based cerebral perfusion measurements: correcting for changing cortical CSF volumes. MAGMA. March 1995;3(1):41-48. Publication Date March 1995 How Analyze was Used “In the second method, the data were transferred to a Sun Sparc2, and the images were analyzed using both…

NIFTY (NeuroImaging Functional Toolkit): an interactive program for functional MRI data processing and visualization

Arnholt JC, Hanson DP, Robb RA. NIFTY (NeuroImaging Functional Toolkit): an interactive program for functional MRI data processing and visualization. Paper presented at: Medical Imaging 1995: Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images; February 1995, San Diego, CA, US. Publication Date February 1995 How Analyze was Used “NIFTY is an OSF/Motif application which utilizes the AVW…