Tag Archives: Reference Values

Extrastriatal D2 and striatal D2 receptors in depressive illness: pilot PET studies using [11C]FLB 457 and [11C]raclopride

Montgomery AJ, Stokes P, Kitamura Y, Grasby PM. Extrastriatal D2 and striatal D2 receptors in depressive illness: pilot PET studies using [11C]FLB 457 and [11C]raclopride. J Affect Disord. August 2007;101(1-3):113-122. Publication Date August 2007 How Analyze was Used “ROI from the right and left hemispheres were combined. Tissue TAC were generated by overlaying these ROI…

T2* measurements in human brain at 1.5, 3 and 7 T

Peters AM, Brookes MJ, Hoogenraad FG, Gowland PA, Francis ST, Morris PG, Bowtell R. T2* measurements in human brain at 1.5, 3 and 7 T. Magn Reson Imaging. July 2007;25(6):748-753. Publication Date July 2007 How Analyze was Used “Deep grey matter structures were identified manually and regions of interest were drawn in Analyze 6 ……

Abnormalities of cingulate gyrus neuroanatomy in schizophrenia

Wang L, Hosakere M, Trein JCL, Miller A, Ratnanather JT, Barch DM, Thompson PA, Qiu A, Gado MH, Miller MI, Csernansky JG. Abnormalities of cingulate gyrus neuroanatomy in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. July 2007;93(1-3):66-78. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date July 2007 How Analyze was Used “MR datasets were reformatted using Analyze™ software (Analyze-AVW, 2004),…

Correlation of intercondylar notch cross sections to the ACL size: a high resolution MR tomographic in vivo analysis

Dienst M, Schneider G, Altmeyer K, Voelkering K, Georg T, Kramann B, Kohn D. Correlation of intercondylar notch cross sections to the ACL size: a high resolution MR tomographic in vivo analysis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. May 2007;127(4):253-260. Publication Date May 2007 How Analyze was Used “The acquired raw data were transferred on an independent…

Subtle upper limb impairment in asymptomatic multiple sclerosis subjects

Solaro C, Brichetto G, Casadio M, Roccatagliata L, Ruggiu P, Mancardi GL, Morasso PG, Tanganelli P, Sanguineti V. Subtle upper limb impairment in asymptomatic multiple sclerosis subjects. Mult Scler. April 2007;13(3):428-432. Publication Date April 2007 How Analyze was Used “Lesions were then segmented using a semi-automated segmentation technique with commercially available image analysis pro- gram…

Hippocampus, amygdala, and basal ganglia morphometrics in children after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury

Wilde EA, Bigler ED, Hunter JV, Fearing MA, Scheibel RS, Newsome MR, Johnson JL, Bachevalier J, Li X, Levin HS. Hippocampus, amygdala, and basal ganglia morphometrics in children after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Dev Med Child Neurol. April 2007;49(4):294-299. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date April 2007 How Analyze was Used “Volumetric analysis was…

Corpus callosum size, reaction time speed and variability in mild cognitive disorders and in a normative sample

Anstey KJ, Mack HA, Christensen H, Li SC, Reglade-Meslin C, Maller J, Kumar R, Dear K, Easteal S, Sachdev P. Corpus callosum size, reaction time speed and variability in mild cognitive disorders and in a normative sample. Neuropsychologia. April 2007;45(8):1911-1920. Publication Date April 2007 How Analyze was Used “MRI scans were transferred to an independent…

Prediction of cognitive decline after stroke using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Ross AJ, Sachdev PS, Wen W, Brodaty H, Joscelyne A, Lorentz LM. Prediction of cognitive decline after stroke using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Neurol Sci. December 2006;251(1-2):62-69. Publication Date December 2006 How Analyze was Used “To correct for partial volume effects within the voxels, the proportion of CSF was estimated from the structural MRI…

Relation between cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter and white matter changes in families with schizophrenia

Schneider-Axmann T, Kamer T, Moroni M, Maric N, Tepest R, Dani I, Honer WG, Scherk H, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Müller DJ, Cordes J, Schönell H, Steinmetz H, Gaebel W, Vogeley K, Kühn KU, Wagner M, Maier W, Träber F, Block W, Schild HH, Falkai P. Relation between cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter and white matter…

Cortisol levels and hippocampus volumes in healthy preadolescent children

Wiedenmayer CP, Bansal R, Anderson GM, Zhu H, Amat J, Whiteman R, Peterson BS. Cortisol levels and hippocampus volumes in healthy preadolescent children. Biol Psychiatry. October 2006;60(8):856-861. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date October 2006 How Analyze was Used “Morphometric analyses were performed on Sun Ultra 10 workstations with ANALYZE 7.5 software.” Keywords Aging/physiology…