Tag Archives: Positron Emisison Tomography (PET)

Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Cerebral Ischemia and Diffusion Hypoxia in Traumatic Brain Injury

Tonny V. Veenith1,2, Eleanor L. Carter1, Thomas Geeraerts1,3, Julia Grossac1,3, Virginia F. J. Newcombe1, Joanne Outtrim1, Gloria S. Gee4, Victoria Lupson4,Rob Smith4, Franklin I. Aigbirhio4, Tim D. Fryer4, Young T. Hong4, David K. Menon1, Jonathan P. Coles1. Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Cerebral Ischemia and Diffusion Hypoxia in Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA Neurology. March 28th, 2016. Publication…

Amyloid deposition in semantic dementia: a positron emission tomography study

Eric E. Brown1, Ariel Graff-Guerrero1,2, Sylvain Houle1,2, Romina Mizrahi1,2, Alan A. Wilson1,2, Bruce G. Pollock1,2, Benoit H. Mulsant1,2, Daniel Felsky1, Aristotle N. Voineskos1,2, David F. Tang-Wai3, Nicolaas P. L. G. Verhoeff1,4, Morris Freedman4,5,7,8, Zahinoor Ismail1,2,6 andTiffany W. Chow1,2,4,5,7. Amyloid deposition in semantic dementia: a positron emission tomography study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. January 25th, 2016….

Novel application of complimentary imaging techniques to examine in vivo glucose metabolism in the kidney

Takashi Hato1, Allon N Friedman2, Henry E Mang3, Zoya Plotkin2, Shataakshi Dube2, Gary D Hutchins2, Paul R Territo2, Brian P McCarthy2, Amanda A Riley2, Kumar Pichumani4, Craig R. Malloy4, Robert A Harris2, Pierre Charles Dagher5, and Timothy A Sutton2. Novel application of complimentary imaging techniques to examine in vivo glucose metabolism in the kidney. American…

Petrosectomy and topographical anatomy in traditional Kawase and Posterior Intradural Petrous Apecectomy (PIPA) approach: an anatomical study

Luigi Rigante, Stephan Herlan, Marcos Soares Tatagiba, Milan Stanojevic, Bernhard Hirt, and Florian Heinrich Ebner. Petrosectomy and topographical anatomy in traditional Kawase and Posterior Intradural Petrous Apecectomy (PIPA) approach: an anatomical study. J World Neurosurg. September 29, 2015 Publication Date September 2015 How Analyze was Used “Petrosectomy volumes was assessed comparing pre- and post-operative thin-slices…

Dose-finding quantitative FDG PET imaging study with the oral pan-AKT inhibitor GSK2141795 in patients with gynecological malignancies

Hatice Gungor, Azeem Saleem, Syed Babar, Roberto Dina, Mona El-Bahrawy, Ed Curry, Nona Rama, Michele Chen, Emily Pickford, Roshan Agarwal, Sarah Blagden, Sabin Carme, Cristian Salinas, Sam J Madison, Elizabeth C Krachey, Ademi Santiago-Walker, Deborah A Smith, Shannon R Morris, Euan A Stronach, and Hani Gabra. Dose-finding quantitative FDG PET imaging study with the oral…