Tag Archives: Pituitary Gland/pathology

Pituitary volume and third ventricle width in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder

Cousins DA, Moore PB, Watson S, Harrison L, Ferrier IN, Young AH, Lloyd AJ. Pituitary volume and third ventricle width in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology. August 2010;35(7):1074-1081. Publication Date August 2010 How Analyze was Used “The pituitary gland was traced on T1 weighted scans using ANALYZE 4.0 (https://analyzedirect.com) according to a region of…

Pituitary gland volume among heroin users stabilised on substitution pharmacotherapy

Lorenzetti V, Lubman DI, Velakoulis D, Yücel M. Pituitary gland volume among heroin users stabilised on substitution pharmacotherapy. Drug Alcohol Depend. July 2010;110(1-2):164-166. Publication Date July 2010 How Analyze was Used “One rater (VL) traced the pituitary gland blinded to group using a previously established tracing pro- tocol (Pariante et al., 2004), utilizing the software…

Pituitary gland volume in currently depressed and remitted depressed patients

Lorenzetti V, Allen NB, Fornito A, Pantelis C, De Plato G, Ang A, Yücel M. Pituitary gland volume in currently depressed and remitted depressed patients. Psychiatry Res. April 2009;172(1):55-60. Publication Date April 2009 How Analyze was Used “All the subjects were scanned with a Siemens MAGNETOM Avanto 1.5-Tesla scanner at the St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne,Victoria…….

Pituitary volume in unaffected relatives of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Mondelli V, Dazzan P, Gabilondo A, Tournikioti K, Walshe M, Marshall N, Schulze KK, Murray RM, McDonald C, Pariante CM. Pituitary volume in unaffected relatives of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology. August 2008;33(7):1004-1012. Publication Date August 2008 How Analyze was Used “Each pituitary was traced in all coronal slices where it could be…

Pituitary volume predicts future transition to psychosis in individuals at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis

Garner B, Pariante CM, Wood SJ, Velakoulis D, Phillips L, Soulsby B, Brewer WJ, Smith DJ, Dazzan P, Berger GE, Yung AR, van den Buuse M, Murray R, McGorry PD, Pantelis C. Pituitary volume predicts future transition to psychosis in individuals at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis. Biol Psychiatry. September 2005;58(5):417-423. Publication Date September 2005…

Pituitary volume in psychosis

Pariante CM, Vassilopoulou K, Velakoulis D, Phillips L, Soulsby B, Wood SJ, Brewer W, Smith DJ, Dazzan P, Yung AR, Zervas IM, Christodoulou GN, Murray R, McGorry PD, Pantelis C. Pituitary volume in psychosis. Br J Psychiatry. July 2004;185:5-10. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date July 2004 How Analyze was Used “All volumes were…