Tag Archives: Physical Examination/methods

Aligning anatomical structure from spiral X-ray computed tomography with plantar pressure data

Hastings MK, Commean PK, Smith KE, Pilgram TK, Mueller MJ. Aligning anatomical structure from spiral X-ray computed tomography with plantar pressure data. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). November 2003;18(9):877-882. Publication Date November 2003 How Analyze was Used “The foot flat and foot angled SXCT scans were re-sampled using Analyze software.” Keywords Diabetes Complications Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis/physiopathology/radiography Diagnosis,…

Forefoot structural predictors of plantar pressures during walking in people with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy

Mueller MJ, Hastings M, Commean PK, Smith KE, Pilgram TK, Robertson D, Johnson J. Forefoot structural predictors of plantar pressures during walking in people with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. J Biomech. July 2003;36(7):1009-1017. Publication Date July 2003 How Analyze was Used “All image reformations and image analyses were performed using AnalyzePC.” Keywords Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis/physiopathology Diabetic…