Tag Archives: Organ Size

EEG coherence reflects regional corpus callosum area in Alzheimer’s disease

Pogarell O, Teipel SJ, Juckel G, Gootjes L, Möller T, Bürger K, Leinsinger G, Möller HJ, Hegerl U, Hampel H. EEG coherence reflects regional corpus callosum area in Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. January 2005;76(1):109-111. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date January 2005 How Analyze was Used “Areas of the corpus callosum and…

The amygdala is enlarged in children but not adolescents with autism; the hippocampus is enlarged at all ages

Schumann CM, Hamstra J, Goodlin-Jones BL, Lotspeich LJ, Kwon H, Buonocore MH, Lammers CR, Reiss AL, Amaral DG. The amygdala is enlarged in children but not adolescents with autism; the hippocampus is enlarged at all ages. J Neurosci. July 2004;24(28):6392-6401. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date July 2004 How Analyze was Used “Each coronal…

Putamen volume in idiopathic focal dystonia

Black KJ, Öngür D, Perlmutter JS. Putamen volume in idiopathic focal dystonia. Neurology. September 1998;51(3):819-824. Publication Date September 1998 How Analyze was Used “The MR image was resampled sagittally to give 1-mm3 voxels. We measured putamen volume using the stereologic volumetry program in ANALYZE (version 7.5).” Keywords Adult Aged Dystonia/pathology Female Humans Magnetic Resonance Imaging…