Tag Archives: Motor Cortex/pathology

Enlargement of thalamic nuclei in Tourette syndrome

Miller AM, Bansal R, Hao X, Sanchez-Pena JP, Sobel LJ, Liu J, Xu D, Zhu H, Chakravarty MM, Durkin K, Ivanov I, Plessen KJ, Kellendonk CB, Peterson BS. Enlargement of thalamic nuclei in Tourette syndrome. Arch Gen Psychiatry. September 2010;67(9):955-964. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date September 2010 How Analyze was Used “Morphometric analyses…

Comparison of different methodological implementations of voxel-based morphometry in neurodegenerative disease

Senjem ML, Gunter JL, Shiung MM, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Jr. Comparison of different methodological implementations of voxel-based morphometry in neurodegenerative disease. Neuroimage. June 2005;26(2):600-608. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date June 2005 How Analyze was Used “In order to assess the potential benefit of utilizing expert manual editing to ‘cleanup’ errors in automated…