Tag Archives: Iron

Beyond a bigger brain: multivariable structural brain imaging and intelligence

Ritchie SJ, Booth T, Valdés Hernández MdC, Corley J, Maniega SM, Gow AJ, Royle NA, Pattie A, Karama S, Starr JM, Bastin ME, Wardlaw JM, Deary IJ. Beyond a bigger brain: multivariable structural brain imaging and intelligence. Intelligence. May 2015;51:47-56. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date May 2015 How Analyze was Used “TBV (cm3)…

Striatal iron content predicts its shrinkage and changes in verbal working memory after two years in healthy adults

Daugherty AM, Haacke EM, Raz N. Striatal iron content predicts its shrinkage and changes in verbal working memory after two years in healthy adults. J Neurosci. April 2015;35(17):6731-6743. Publication Date April 2015 How Analyze was Used “In postacquisition processing, we followed procedures described in our previous studies (Raz et al., 2004). All image manipulations and…

Differentiation of calcified regions and iron deposits in the ageing brain on conventional structural MR images

Valdés Hernández MC, Glatz A, Kiker AJ, Dickie DA, Aribisala BS, Royle NA, Muñoz Maniega S, Bastin ME, Deary IJ, Wardlaw JM. Differentiation of calcified regions and iron deposits in the ageing brain on conventional structural MR images. J Magn Reson Imaging. August 2014;40(2):324-333. Publication Date August 2014 How Analyze was Used “After registering the…