Tag Archives: Intra-Abdominal Fat/radiography

Visceral abdominal obesity measured by CT scan is associated with an increased risk of Barrett’s oesophagus: a case-control study

El-Serag HB, Hashmi A, Garcia J, Richardson P, Alsarraj A, Fitzgerald S, Vela M, Shaib Y, Abraham NS, Velez M, Cole R, Rodriguez MB, Anand B, Graham DY, Kramer JR. Visceral abdominal obesity measured by CT scan is associated with an increased risk of Barrett’s oesophagus: a case-control study. Gut. February 2014;63(2):220-229. Full Text –…

Visceral fat analysis at CT colonography

Johnson KT, Harmsen WS, Limburg PJ, Carston MJ, Johnson CD. Visceral fat analysis at CT colonography. Acad Radiol. August 2006;13(8):963-968. Publication Date August 2006 How Analyze was Used “The data were reconstructed into 1.25-mm slices at 1.25-mm intervals. This reconstructed dataset was used for the study. The image data were networked to an offline computer…