Tag Archives: Interobserver Variability

Assessment of the Inter-observer Variability of the Radiomic Tools: BRODERS (Benign vs aggressive nODule Evaluation using Radiomic Stratication) and SILA (Score Indicative of Lung cancer Aggression) to Classify Lung Nodules

Faysal Al-Ghoula et al. Assessment of the Inter-observer Variability of the Radiomic Tools: BRODERS (Benign vs aggressive nODule Evaluation using Radiomic Stratication) and SILA (Score Indicative of Lung cancer Aggression) to Classify Lung Nodules Research Square. Publication Date May 24, 2023 How Analyze was Used “…the nodules of interest underwent manual segmentation using the ANALYZE…

Longitudinal assessment of brain tumors using a repeatable prior-based segmentation

Weizman L, Joskowicz L, Ben-Sira L, Shofty B, Constantini S, Ben-Bashat D. Longitudinal assessment of brain tumors using a repeatable prior-based segmentation. Paper presented at: Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on; March 2011. Publication Date March 2011 How Analyze was Used “An expert radiologist manually produced ground-truth segmentations for each…