Tag Archives: Insula

Fetal MRI insular cortical morphometry and its association with neurobehavior in late-onset small for gestational age fetuses

Egaña-Ugrinovic G, Sanz-Cortes M, Figueras F, Couve-Pérez C, Gratacos E. Fetal MRI insular cortical morphometry and its association with neurobehavior in late-onset small for gestational age fetuses. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. March 2014. Publication Date March 2014 How Analyze was Used “Fetal imaging post processing: Offline analyses of all measurements were performed using the semiautomatic Analyze…

Admission insular infarction >25% is the strongest predictor of large mismatch loss in proximal middle cerebral artery stroke

Kamalian S, Kemmling A, Borgie RC, Morais LT, Payabvash S, Franceschi AM, Kamalian S, Yoo AJ, Furie KL, Lev MH. Admission insular infarction >25% is the strongest predictor of large mismatch loss in proximal middle cerebral artery stroke. Stroke. November 2013;44(11):3084-3089. Publication Date November 2013 How Analyze was Used “Volumes for admission infarct (DWI/apparent diffusion…