Tag Archives: Hemispatial Neglect

Differential white matter involvement associated with distinct visuospatial deficits after right hemisphere stroke

Alex R. Carter, Mark P. McAvoy, Joshua S. Siegel, Xin Hong, Serguei V. Astafiev, Jennifer Rengachary, Kristi Zinn, Nicholas V. Metcalf, Gordon L. Shulman, Maurizio Corbetta. Differential white matter involvement associated with distinct visuospatial deficits after right hemisphere stroke Cortex. December 20 2016. Publication Date December 2016 How Analyze was Used “The total number of…

A behavioral analysis of spatial neglect and its recovery after stroke

Rengachary J, He BJ, Shulman GL, Corbetta M. A behavioral analysis of spatial neglect and its recovery after stroke. Front Hum Neurosci. April 2011;5:29. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date April 2011 How Analyze was Used “The total number of infarcted voxels in each slice was calculated using Analyze AVW… and binary maps representing…