Tag Archives: Cerebral Cortex/physiology/radionuclide imaging

Updating working memory for words: a PET activation study

Clark CR, Egan GF, McFarlane AC, Morris P, Weber D, Sonkkilla C, Marcina J, Tochon-Danguy HJ. Updating working memory for words: a PET activation study. Hum Brain Mapp. February 2000;9(1):42-54. Publication Date February 2000 How Analyze was Used “Each subject’s MRI image was edited to remove the scalp and other brain coverings using ANALYZE 7.5.”…

Brain activity during transient sadness and happiness in healthy women

George MS, Ketter TA, Parekh PI, Horwitz B, Herscovitch P, Post RM. Brain activity during transient sadness and happiness in healthy women. Am J Psychiatry. March 1995;152(3):341-351. Publication Date March 1995 How Analyze was Used “Image manipulations and calculations were performed by using PROMATLAB … on a Sun SPARC station 2 … with software for…