Tag Archives: Brain/physiology

Central nervous system findings on functional magnetic resonance imaging in patients before and after treatment with anticholinergic medication

Pontari MA, Mohamed FB, Lebovitch S, Moonat S, Lebed B, Ruggieri MR, Faro SH. Central nervous system findings on functional magnetic resonance imaging in patients before and after treatment with anticholinergic medication. J Urol. May 2010;183(5):1899-1905. Publication Date May 2010 How Analyze was Used “Images were converted from the GE format into the Analyze format…

Does healthy aging affect the hemispheric activation balance during paced index-to-thumb opposition task? An fMRI study

Naccarato M, Calautti C, Jones PS, Day DJ, Carpenter TA, Baron JC. Does healthy aging affect the hemispheric activation balance during paced index-to-thumb opposition task? An fMRI study. Neuroimage. September 2006;32(3):1250-1256. Publication Date September 2006 How Analyze was Used “We combined the M1 ROIs from two widely available templates, namely the WFU- Pickatlas software (…

Where am I? The neurological correlates of self and other

Platek SM, Keenan JP, Gallup GG, Jr., Mohamed FB. Where am I? The neurological correlates of self and other. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. April 2004;19(2):114-122. Publication Date April 2004 How Analyze was Used “All images were converted from the Siemens format into the ANALYZE (AnalyzeDirect, Lenexa, KY) format adopted in the SPM package.” Keywords…

Isotropic resolution diffusion tensor imaging with whole brain acquisition in a clinically acceptable time

Jones DK, Williams SCR, Gasston D, Horsfield MA, Simmons A, Howard R. Isotropic resolution diffusion tensor imaging with whole brain acquisition in a clinically acceptable time. Hum Brain Mapp. April 2002;15(4):216-230. Publication Date April 2002 How Analyze was Used “The image processing package, Analyze …, was then used to reformat the data into coronal and…