Tag Archives: Age Groups

Positron emission tomography detects greater blood flow and less blood flow heterogeneity in the exercising skeletal muscles of old compared with young men during fatiguing contractions

Rudroff T, Weissman JA, Bucci M, Seppänen M, Kaskinoro K, Heinonen I, Kalliokoski KK. Positron emission tomography detects greater blood flow and less blood flow heterogeneity in the exercising skeletal muscles of old compared with young men during fatiguing contractions. J Physiol. January 2014;592(Pt 2):337-349. Publication Date January 2014 How Analyze was Used “The data…

Knowledge-guided robust MRI brain extraction for diverse large-scale neuroimaging studies on humans and non-human primates

Wang Y, Nie J, Yap PT, Li G, Shi F, Geng X, Guo L, Shen D. Knowledge-guided robust MRI brain extraction for diverse large-scale neuroimaging studies on humans and non-human primates. PLoS One. January 2014;9(1):e77810. Full Text – Open Access Publication Date January 2014 How Analyze was Used “T1-weighted MR brain images were acquired using…