Analyze Publications Database

Subchondral bone strength of the sacroiliac joint-a combined approach using computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) imaging and biomechanical validation

Amélie Poilliot et al. Subchondral bone strength of the sacroiliac joint-a combined approach using computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) imaging and biomechanical validation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.

Publication Date
August 2, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“The slices were 0.6 mm thick. These were then evaluated using image analysis software (Analyze)… The SIJ was first outlined manually within the CT scans (segmentation) before the subchondral bone plate of both the sacrum and the ilium of each specimen was isolated. The maximum intensity projection revealed the HU of each pixel… Threshold values were chosen according to previous studies to be ≤ 200 to ≥1200 HU … To display the mineral density distribution as densitograms, these data were false colour coded and superimposed on the 3-dimensionally reconstructed ilia and sacra for anatomical localisation.”

Sacroiliac joint, Computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry, Bone mineral density, Subchondral bone plate, Mechanical testing, Hounsfield units

Author Affiliation(s)
Anatomical Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

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