Analyze Publications Database

Relationship between electrode position and temporal modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users: are close electrodes always better?

Ning Zhou et al. Relationship between electrode position and temporal modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users: are close electrodes always better? Heliyon.

Publication Date
December 22, 2022

How Analyze was Used
“The pre-operative CT image voxel space was optimized for anatomical details of the ear, while the post-operative image was optimized for resolution of the electrode. The electrode lead wires and contacts were identified and segmented from the post-operative images and aligned onto the pre-operative voxel space (ANALYZE software). This composite image allows for maximum resolution of the electrodes as well as visibility of the anatomy. When pre-operative images of the implanted ear were not available, CT images from the contralateral non-implanted ear were used based on the assumption that anatomy of the two ears from the same person would be similar.”

Modulation detection thresholds (MDTs), Perimodiolar electrodes, Computerized tomography (CT), Speech reception thresholds (SRTs), Electrode location, Mid-modiolar axis (MMA)

Author Affiliation(s)
East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, USA

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