Analyze Publications Database

Partial cortico-hippocampectomy in cats, as therapy for refractory temporal epilepsy: A descriptive cadaveric study

Jessica Zilli et al. Partial cortico-hippocampectomy in cats, as therapy for refractory temporal epilepsy: A descriptive cadaveric study PLOS One.

Publication Date
January 15, 2021

How Analyze was Used
“As a result, three-dimensional data sets with isotropic voxels and 8-bit grey tone distribution were obtained and saved as BMP files. The digital processing and analysis of the 3D images was then performed with the program Analyze© 12.0… For the identification of the hippocampal vasculature and its isolation from the surrounding tissues, a grey threshold on a grey scale was set. Once the vessels of the hippocampus were extracted, they were inserted in the cerebral frame in order to allow better orientation.”

Hippocampus, Surgical resection, Magnetic resonance imaging, Skull, Cats, Arteries, Cerebral arteries, Epilepsy

Author Affiliation(s)
Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany

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