Analyze Publications Database

Parametric subtracted post‐ictal diffusion tensor imaging for guiding direct neurostimulation therapy

Diego Garibay‐Pulido et al. Parametric subtracted post‐ictal diffusion tensor imaging for guiding direct neurostimulation therapy. Hippocampus.

Publication Date
December 26 2018

How Analyze was Used
“DICOM isotropic data sets with a voxel size of 3.9 mm were created and transferred to an image analysis software (Analyze 10.0; AnalyzeDirect, Overland Park, KS). Analyze was used to perform ictal and inter‐ictal SPECT thresholding, normalization, subtraction, and co‐registration to the patient’s MRI. Finally, the brain was segmented from the extra‐cerebral structures, as identified on the patient’s anatomic MRI. The cerebral surface of the binary ictal SPECT was matched to the cerebral surface of the binary MRI. The resulting registered transformation matrix was then applied to the subtraction SPECT data set for co‐registration with the processed MRI study.”

DTI, Intractable epilepsy, Neuromodulation, RNS, White matter

Author Affiliation(s)
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

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