Analyze Publications Database

NS-HGlio: A Generalizable and Repeatable HGG Segmentation and Volumetric measurement AI Algorithm for the Longitudinal MRI Assessment to Inform RANO in Trials and Clinics

Aly H Abayazeed et al. NS-HGlio: A Generalizable and Repeatable HGG Segmentation and Volumetric measurement AI Algorithm for the Longitudinal MRI Assessment to Inform RANO in Trials and Clinics Journal of Neuro-Oncology Advances.

Publication Date
December 21, 2022

How Analyze was Used
“For the training and internal validation datasets, six neuroradiologists each with > 6 years of neuroradiology practice experience created the ground truth (GT) with 2 rounds of overreads for consensus. Disagreements were handled by in-person agreement. Analyze 14.0 (Mayo Clinic, AnalyzeDirect, Overland Park, KS), was used to create the GT. The GT protocol followed the standards as defined by the National Cancer Institute Cancer Imaging Achieve VASARI 7(Visually AcceSAble Rembrandt Images) features set for HGG segmentation.”

Glioma, Segmentation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, RANO

Author Affiliation(s)
Neosoma Inc., Groton, Massachusetts, USA

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