Analyze Publications Database

Morphometric in vivo evidence of thalamic atrophy correlated with cognitive and motor dysfunction in Huntington’s disease: The IMAGE-HD study

Lisa S. Furlong et al. Morphometric in vivo evidence of thalamic atrophy correlated with cognitive and motor dysfunction in Huntington’s disease: The IMAGE-HD study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.

Publication Date
February 19, 2020

How Analyze was Used
“Boundary definition was performed by a trained investigator, using ANALYZE 12.0 software…Manual segmentation was performed on the left hemisphere and then the right hemisphere, yielding two thalamic volumes per participant. All segmentation was performed in the coronal plane, in a caudal to rostral direction, in 28-30 consecutive MRI slices per participant. Finally, volumetric calculations of the left and right thalami were completed by automatically summing the total number of 1 x 1 x 0.9 mm voxels enclosed within each ROI of the thalamus, through the ANALYZE 12.0 software.”

Neuroimaging, Magnetic resonance imaging, Thalamus, Huntington’s disease

Author Affiliation(s)
Australian National University Medical School, Canberra, Australia

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